Types of Preventative Treatments

As experts in individualized care, we offer an array of treatment options so that we can find the right solution to meet your needs. At your initial consultation, we will review the treatment options that will work best for your case. The list below contains short explanations of the treatments we offer.


Dental exams ideally occur every six months and allow our team to detect problems such as tooth decay or gum disease early. In some cases, we recommend more frequent exams depending on a person’s health history and susceptibility to dental issues. These exams and check-ups also provide us an opportunity to evaluate your current home care and provide suggestions to help you prevent cavities and gum inflammation.


Teeth Cleanings

Teeth Cleanings

Teeth cleanings are part of any standard dental visit. In general, they involve five steps:
  • A physical examination of the teeth, mouth, and gums
  • Removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth and gum line with a scaler
  • Gritty toothpaste cleaning using an electric brush to remove all particles and polish the teeth
  • Expert flossing that removes buildup and particles from any area you might struggle to reach
  • Rinsing to remove any debris that remain in the mouth
  • An application of a fluoride treatment
Make certain to schedule dental visits every six months to get the best results from your teeth cleanings.

Teeth Cleanings

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease is a result of infection in the gum tissue, which can affect the support of your natural teeth. This infection is a result of plaque, a colorless film which sticks to your teeth along the gumline. Proper brushing and flossing remove this material, however if not performed, the bacteria in plaque produces toxins which can irritate and cause tissues to bleed and swell. Furthermore, the plaque can turn into a hard substance called calculus. When this occurs, gums separate from the teeth creating spaces or pockets, and can ultimately lead to deterioration of the supporting structures and tooth loss. In order to treat gum disease, a deeper type of cleaning is necessary as well as increased visits so our team can prevent further progression.

Gum Disease Treatment

Child Cleaning

Child Cleaning

Pediatric dentistry is focused on maintaining and improving the oral health of children from birth through their teenage years. Children should be seen as soon as they have their first tooth. While this might seem excessive, early childhood cavities are five times more common than asthma and should be taken seriously.

Children’s dentistry includes the following services:
  • Infant oral health exams
  • Preventive dental care
  • Habit counseling
  • Early assessment and treatment for straightening teeth and correcting an improper bite
  • Repair of tooth cavities or defects
  • Diagnosis of oral conditions associated with diseases
  • Management of gum diseases and conditions
  • Care for dental injuries

Child Cleaning

Appliances: Nightguards/Retainers

Appliances: Nightguards/Retainers

Teeth grinding/clenching, also known as bruxism, is very common and can be painful and destructive. Long term bruxism can cause joint pain, broken teeth and loss of tooth enamel. This habit, mainly caused by stress or anxiety, can be easily treated by having a custom nightguard made and wearing it while you sleep. This guard provides a barrier between your teeth, lightening the tension on your muscles, and protecting your teeth.

If you have unfortunately lost your retainer, or wish to prevent further movement of your teeth, a new retainer can be made.

Appliances: Nightguards/Retainers